Saturday, December 22, 2007

Vacation for all

The older CUs are on their way to the "far west" (as CU-1 calls it). They'll be back in the region in a week. Back home in another two days after that, when we'll have a second Christmas. Perhaps we'll just make it into a big Welcome Home/New Years party!

Meanwhile, we have Grandma C here. What a blessing. We keep telling her we're going to try to make many excuses for her to stay. She's fun, and funny and a joy to be around (though WE might be driving her crazy! She doesn't complain.)

She's slipped into the crazy routines of the house. She's been used as a trampoline by CU-4. She's played beauty parlor with CU-3. The cats have crawled on and around her. She's found Dora (of Explorer fame) in her bed, plus a mouse ... (Sourisette, CU-1's plush pet), and occasionally a grand baby. Again, no complaints. Well, with the exception that Dora is a bed hog. ;-)

She's cooked her famous sausage rolls (mmm mmm good), and helped me catch up on the laundry, and Christmas baking. She's taught me how to make marshmellows! MARSHMELLOWS! HOMEMADE! (AND OMG they're GOOD!)

We've stayed up most nights until well after midnight (with the exception of last night. We were all in bed by 10, 'cause CU-4 has been very generous and shared his cold with us all).

Now DH is home on shut down until New Years. We'll sit around in our pjs until some one decides its time to get dressed, when we'll all follow suit.

Our days will slide one into the other. Low stress (biggest stress will be fighting over who gets to cook dinner that night). Christmas dinner is planned, so is New Years. Again. Low-to-no stressed. In it goes, and we go back to chatting, visiting, playing cards.

It's nice when we have family members that like one another.

My thoughts go out to all of you who are not with your families this Christmas - either by choice or by circumstances. May you find what you are looking for - particular peace in your life, and health in your mind and body.

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