Monday, December 17, 2007

One week later

Though the fall out continues with Christmasgate, I've had many, many, many, many chats with my MIL. They've helped A LOT.

The chats, coupled with 37 cm of snow over the weekend have helped me work a lot of things out of my system.

Man, do I miss winters like this. I'm glad to see one back. It brings back many memories, like the one where I wanted to trap the mail man because he ALWAYS cut across the lawn, and even at that young, precocious age, I had a strong sense of mine and thine.

As the holidays roll soundly along (mostly without me!), I have no real illusions of what this season is about. I'm not into the heavy commercialism, or the "rip fest", or the over eating, or the ever so special "day of salads" (26 by last count) festival of my former life.

No, no. This year, as in previous years, we'll start of the seasonal celebrations with the nightly "screaming children" choral singing the every so effervescent "Idoughwannagotobed" followed by "I hungry" chorus.

The older kids will start the "Awmombutitsvacation sing along.

Eyes will roll. Parents will cave, and it will be merriment for all.

Actually, as of Friday, it will be subdued merriment for all as the old CUs head for Vegas with DXH and his other half. They'll be back for New Years when the Hallelujah chorus will be played.

1 comment:

NetChick said...

Man... Crappy. I'm really sorry to hear about the dumbass move your
DH made. I'd have creamed mine. Then again, I divorced him instead.

Ahh the single life ;)

Hope you have a merry Christmas despite the BS!