Friday, July 18, 2008

On the road soon

Oh, the lecturing has already begun! CU-1 hasn't been home more then 35 minutes and it's been non stop chattering. (Anyone who knows this child and has been left alone with him for more then an hour has a good idea of what I'm talking about.)

I'm debating whether to send him out in the first car load or the second.

All in all, the kids are glad to be home, and I'm glad to have them. We'll collect the reinforcements shortly, stop by the library to get our fill of books, and run the last of the errands.

The blog will be quiet until August, unless I find my way home earlier!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Feeling like the Mad Hatter

In Alice in Wonderland's story, the only one I've seen a Disneyfied version of too, there's the dumb rabbit running around creating some kind of chaos (as you can see, I don't recall all of the story).

Bumpy segway.

I headed over to Josie's blog to check in with her while I procrastinated and was relieved to see she had a list. I'm soooo borrowing it, though I don't know what I'm going to do with a dress for a wedding.

I've got a weeks worth of laundry that I need to take with me for the three week "vacation". (I'm still debating whether packing/showing up at the cottage with dirty laundry is gauche.)

My pants need to be let out. So, there's another conflict. (I'll just pack the one's with a bit of stretch to them. So what that they've been on the bottom of the laundry pile for a week +_.)

Make-up? What's that. I guess I'll replace that with find the first aid kit.

Don't need my passport to go to Québec. Wait a minute. I better check the current political climate.

Laundry ... maybe I can get Rhino to finish it before I leave ... hmmmm

Colour hair. Frig. I'll just toss the box in with everything else and maybe get around to doing it at the laundromat.

Money. Fewf. I don't have any, so that'll be no problem!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Insomnia, or what cats do when I'm sleeping

I'm going through a bout of insomnia again, or maybe it's just a bout of anxiety. Having just given birth to a large personal project, having to prepare for two presentations (one two-hour presentation in front of ALL my peers at work, the other is before a client Friday morning, a mere few hours before I start my "vacation"), and having to pull my shit together for a three-week indoor camping extravaganza for five (aka vacation with the Mothership at her cottage), I can't sleep.

I've tried. Lord knows how I have tried. While The Huz rumbles and snorks next to me, I lie there in a lucid state, visions of toothbrushes and small person's underwear going through my head.

So, instead of trying to calm my concerns, and write lists, l-o-n-g, detailed lists, I start new projects (yes, it's a good time to start cleaning cupboards at 3 in the morning!) until I get distracted ... Oooh shiny things! Other's blogs! Time to catch up! Webkinz. Gawd knows I haven't watered the garden for weeks.

It's going to be a very long day.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Failure is scary; success is scarier

Ok. Ok. It's been a rough week. I'm not a person used to getting a lot of attention (despite what I look like!)

I just finished a project for which the idea has apparently has been kicking around my 'hood for quite a while - an arts map identifying all the interesting places that support the arts in our immediate corner of the city.

A friend of mine was pushing me hard to get it up and out. I guess he knows I'm a great three-quarter person. That is, get three-quarter of the work done, then just forget to pass it in. (Not that I ever did that kind of thing in school. I just didn't have to. I wasn't scholastically hot shit until I hit graduate school.)

So, it's out now. Made free. Go out and multiply!


On a "where the hell is this all coming from" kind of note, as I think I've ceased to have a hold on much of my reasoning abilities, I just finished The Adventures of Johnny Bunko a book that's fast, easy to read, and makes reasonable career sense, coming from a comic book. (It's worth the wait from the library, or, if you go to the website - he posts a couple of pages a day.)

To summarize the lessons learned:

1. There is no plan.
2. Think strengths, not weaknesses
3. It's not about you
4. Persistence trumps talent.
5. Make excellent mistakes.
6. Leave an imprint.

I feel that the release of the map, and quite a few things I've done recently, hits quite a few of those lessons.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Well fill my boots with pride

A supper hour post to spread the news! A photo I submitted to my library system to celebrate the 90th birthday of our local branch has been deemed banner-worthy. It will be used as signage that will appear on the side of my local branch library later this fall!

I'm mildly pleased.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

When Mom's rock

There's something in the water.

In the last four days I've had at least five people ask me if I was going to have more children. I don't know where that's coming from. It could be that the extra weight is a signal for people to ask if I'm in the family way (I'm not). It could be that the idea that once you have four, what's another couple? Or, just maybe people think I like kids. Ha. No way it could be that one.

Here's a snippet of a discussion I had today at work with some of my male colleagues after one asked (he said he was joking) :

Him: "I had a great weekend with my kids."
Me: "I'd have probably had a great weekend with your kids too."
Him: "Aw come on. You like your kids."
Me: "Just what would give you that idea?"
Him, staring at me trying to figure out if I'm joking.
Me: "I like other peoples kids. Mine? That's another thing."

Tonight, while in transit to pick up CU-4, I met up with the Ball Hockey Canteen Den Mother who started going at me, telling me that the world needs more parents like me. Like what? Like huh? Me? Nah.

And this weekend, one of my bestest friends from grad school called me, out of the blue, and went on about me. Good grief. You'd think I was Josie or something! ;-)

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Happy birthday Margaret!

Happy birthday American! Happy Independence Day American cousins!

Blogging has been light. Life is meh. Laundry, and a lot of rain (so so much for the reinstatement of clothes lines in my part of the world).

It's amazing the basic pleasures that I'm enjoying with the less soap operaish life. The Huz finished the stairs leading to the back door and now we have a most enjoyable place to just sit and be and watch the children act like squirrels on speed.

I'm taking a lot of pictures and am jamming up files at home and work. They're just not getting farther then being put into the junk drawer on my desk top. It's that kind of time I'm going through. There are other things to distract me, and paperwork, even creative paperwork is for Fall and Winter pursuits.

We're having a light month for pizza nights as the older kids aren't on high rotation. The next one is tomorrow (hint hint Josie ... just in case you do a road trip to Ottawa with WG to visit Rhino). Or Alison, if she'd like a night out with her girls and no cooking!

The next one will be in August. Probably the 18th, which will be the kick-off for the rest of the year (minus the screwy rotation adjustment that occurs in the new year).

Tuesday, July 01, 2008