Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Insomnia, or what cats do when I'm sleeping

I'm going through a bout of insomnia again, or maybe it's just a bout of anxiety. Having just given birth to a large personal project, having to prepare for two presentations (one two-hour presentation in front of ALL my peers at work, the other is before a client Friday morning, a mere few hours before I start my "vacation"), and having to pull my shit together for a three-week indoor camping extravaganza for five (aka vacation with the Mothership at her cottage), I can't sleep.

I've tried. Lord knows how I have tried. While The Huz rumbles and snorks next to me, I lie there in a lucid state, visions of toothbrushes and small person's underwear going through my head.

So, instead of trying to calm my concerns, and write lists, l-o-n-g, detailed lists, I start new projects (yes, it's a good time to start cleaning cupboards at 3 in the morning!) until I get distracted ... Oooh shiny things! Other's blogs! Time to catch up! Webkinz. Gawd knows I haven't watered the garden for weeks.

It's going to be a very long day.


Anonymous said...

I understand completely.

I hope tonight will be better.

Anonymous said...

If your cats clean the cupboards I need to borrow them.

The week before vacation, I convince myself that I don't want to go or do anything...

Josie said...

I'm there right now trying to get ready for a work trip.

Hope you get some sleep hon. Maybe a cpl shots before bedtime?