Friday, July 18, 2008

On the road soon

Oh, the lecturing has already begun! CU-1 hasn't been home more then 35 minutes and it's been non stop chattering. (Anyone who knows this child and has been left alone with him for more then an hour has a good idea of what I'm talking about.)

I'm debating whether to send him out in the first car load or the second.

All in all, the kids are glad to be home, and I'm glad to have them. We'll collect the reinforcements shortly, stop by the library to get our fill of books, and run the last of the errands.

The blog will be quiet until August, unless I find my way home earlier!


Nat said...

Have a wonderful trip. Try to stay sane...

Although I think sane with kids is impossible.

Josie said...

While I'm not looking forward to my work trip - there are no kids.

Hope you have fun and maintain your sanity:)

Josie said...

WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!