Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summer vacation, the good and the bad

Well, I survived the three weeks internment with the Mothership and four kids. I wouldn't call it a vacation (making all lunches, dinners and snacks for six for 21 days straight is not a vacation. Vacation, in my opinion, involves eating out a bad restaurants at least twice).

The kids were unhappy when the three weeks were up. I was thrilled to be returning to work. FINALLY, there was some down time. Except. Sigh, there's always an exception.

At the beginning of the summer we got the school rabbit. While I'd carefully interviewed my son regarding the rabbit's drinking habits (he assured me she was no party animal), cleanliness, and level of rabble rousing-ness, (he assured me she'd pass any and all tests I could think of) I'd forgot to tell him that she was not allowed to have friends over.

While I was away, and The Huz was left behind to fend because he only gets two weeks of vacation a year (and one is always used at Christmas time because his company has a mandatory shut down at Christmas where the employees don't get paid ...), apparently Bibi (the bunny) threw a party and invited, oh about 500 of her closest friends. Dear readers, we had a flea infestation.

It was bad, very very bad. I kept getting 911 calls from The Huz who would sneak to the phone while being held captive by Bibi and her roudies. Whispered telephone conversations would ensue so that they wouldn't know where he was.

He did eventually escape and came back with eco-chemical war fare to try to get his home back.

Fast forward to my return.

My house has never been so clean. Ever.

The enemy has been routed. The last of the stragglers are suffering.

Mata Hari goes back to school in 11 days.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I was looking forward to some creative time once the kids started back to school to work on my paintings. Now I'm just looking for a job. Having not worked in 11 years I can just see them lining up at the door to snatch me up.

Anonymous said...

Favourite time of year indeed. I have to go back to work this morning. Not looking forward to it.

Pretty sure we'd be having rabbit stew if that happened here. At least Huz had time to clean and kill without the monkeys running around.