Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School daze

1, 2, 3. That's how many kids I have in the same school at one time. Gawd help the teachers!

I don't have much of a report on CUs 1 and 2 yet except to say I've seen them and have been able to complete two intrepid shoe exchanges (apparently they didn't like their father's or their father's partner's choices [I've seen the underwear they picked out for CU-2 - can we say "grannie pants" for a 10 year old?!]. Who can blame them.)

CU-3 does a staggered intake. Today was her first day. The feed back that I got back was that she'd done spectacularly. She herself reported that she listened and didn't end up in the time-out chair for not listening. So far so good.

There is one rather amazing development I can post about. That's about CU-1's choice hair. As one comedic friend commented "oooh a sunrise!". It's now three toned. Yellow, orange and a flaming, flaming red on top. (Great for first day of school. I think he'll fit right in don't you?) Though, I have to think that I've broken the code. My dear-EXH didn't want CU-1 to wear glasses because he thought he'd get laughed at and picked on. I figure the hair is to distract any one from seeing that CU-1 is actually wearing glasses! That's got to be it.

Right now I'm saying silent prayers that he doesn't do the same thing to this kid when he's in high school. He's going to get the snot beaten out of him for sure.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Oh, pauvre CU1!

My dad tried to dress me in polyester pants when I was a teen. The old elastic waist kind that 30 years ago NO person under 60 wore. When my mom intervened my dad said, "There's nothing wrong with them, my mother wears them!"

My moms reply, "exactly!"

Anonymous said...

OH dear... poor kids. The Boy informed me last year that he was too old for Spiderman and Scooby-doo undies. Got him boxer briefs.. who knew undies were so important.

I guess the hair will grow out? That's the tack my mom took with me when I the two-tone with massive layers.

Anonymous said...

Grandma "C" here, say you are probably right, no one will notice his glasses. I guess enough said

K said...

Having seen all of the college kids - go for the colored hair... it grows out.

The stupid tattoos and piercings aren't as temporary.

Any hair my kids want is fine, as long as they don't defile their bodies with ink or pierces.