Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So much for joining the circus

"Where's Mom?" child unit three cries out two rooms away.

"She's gone" replies The Huz looking at me as I put my head on the table. (So much for a quiet post-dinner chat.)

"Where'd she go?" whines CU3.

"She's run away to join the circus" The Huz replies.

"Can I go too?" is the nasal-based question from CU3.


"But I don't know how to go there."

um, that's the point isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be great if there was some special place parents could run off to every now and then?

Josie said...

That is too funny.

Anonymous said...

In my house, I run off with gypsies or threatened to sell him to gypsies.

A moment to myself... it's all I want. just a moment.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

that's cute!

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Did you actually run away and join the circus? I know it's only been a week since your last post, but come on! I'm having Mongo withdrawl.