Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Another Sally Field moment

Sally Field has nothing on me.

They like me, they really like me! My fist words in the door after coming back from an unplanned presentation where I feel like I pooped spray-painted golden nuggets (to be crass and graphic).

DH lifted his weary head off the sofa, blurry eyed from fatigue. “Oh, of course dear.”

Oh the enthusiasm.

I was high as a kite. Nothing bothered me. I had patience galore. Love and honey was running through my veins, even though CU3 was having night terrors and was being totally unreasonable, and other sheet storms were brewing.

Alas, thank small gawds for those rose-coloured glasses!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

From the annals of the "Do I really want to know?" stories

So I'm working on this big report that is overdue, (It's for a volunteer group of which I am President, so it's really no biggy, except that the Newsletter Editor would hunt me down on Monday if I don't cough something up.) when I get the call: "Lovely, darling, mystical, amour of my life" (that's not really what DH said - it's what he meant though. Something gets lost in translation when he yells "X*X*!"

And so it goes ... he keeps yelling, followed by "You've got to come see this."

My typical response is "Do I really want to know?"


Ok, so that peaks my curiousity.

I follow his voice into our bedroom. There, sitting in the middle of our bed is my angelic CU-3 covered from neck-to-toe is sun tan lotion. Not only is she covered in blue lotion, so are our newly changed sheets, pillow cases, and heavier winter bedding ...

Now I wished I'd chosen Coppertone lotion ... at least I'd have enjoyed the fragrance all that much more.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thanks for giving

It's the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend and I've spent the better part of it running around.

Relatives are in town, sort of (I hour outside the city at a centralized summer home to be exact). DH, CU3 and I spent Saturday barrelling out to spend a couple of hours with the sibs and cousins. Eight hours was pleasant, and seemed to be just the right amount of time before the pleasantries of a close-knit family started to break down and cross lines. (The topic of CU1 and 2's father, and divorce seem to be a no no at family gatherings. I will have to remember that if we attend the proposed week-long family reunion next August.)

Sunday again was running around. This time to attend to DH's winter covering needs. His very nice, and medium-expensive, one year old 3-in-1 coat gave up the ghost some time on Saturday. I coaxed him into foraging at one of our local malls (that I seem to go to once a year). We made it out with a cheaper version of the 3-in-1 (this being a 1 in 1). I don't have high hopes for this coat. I do hope it will last him the winter though. We came home before picking out a second, more rugged coat as he thinks CU3 decided to share the love, and her amazing head cold.

Short and sweet, we made it home on an express bus only to plunk CU3 in front of the visual child restraint so that we could catch a few zzzs before preparing for an early evening wedding.

The wedding was beautiful, tasteful and most of all entertaining. It was an intimate gathering of 50 of the bride and grooms mostly family, peppered with a few friends. Dinner wasn't rubber chicken or turkey as I'd feared, all because the groom is deathly allergic to birds (I'd forgotten this point and was dreading the reception).

Upon departing, I shared these sentiments with the bride and groom: "when I get married again, I'm having you plan the event".

The bus ride home was uneventful. CU3 crashed in her crash cart just before we got off the bus. Putting her to bed had to be one of the easier times this year.

Monday's here now, DH is spouting off that we have to get our a**es in gear because Halloween's almost here and there's not enough time in the day.

Ah, yah right. Ok.

More on that to follow.


And to all those people who sneeze into their hands then touch all the support poles and door handles as they leave the bus, thanks for giving.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just don't ask me how I'm doing.

WARNING: Rant ahead.

Don't ask me how I'm doing. Don't tell me to smile, especially if you have no idea what's going through my head or my life right now. These are just two mistakes people made today.

Since school started, CU-1's teacher has been adding notes to CU's agenda. Notes in red; usually about CUs comportment (or lack there of). This has become an almost daily occurance, though handily, I only get half the brunt of it as CUs father is supposed to pick up the slack at the other end.

Lately though, there's been a distrubing trend arising from the notes. CUs not completing his homework for the week ... half the time ... this I just don't get. It's not impossible to hold CU to task, it's merely difficult and requires a bit of effort on a parent's part. Yet the theme persists.

Ok. So, it's a given that there are different parenting styles.

In the end CU gets all the homework assigned for the week he's home, and any other stuff that is outstanding from the previous week.

What's more troubling are the comments coming from ex-DH that it's a school issue. Ahhhhhh. Can't quiet see that logic, however, I did have to be have crazy to go along with it before. So, back to it's a given that there are different parenting styles.

So, next issue - coordination of decision making.

One of the CUs requires medicine on a regular basis. Certain attributes, when observed appearing in a percistent state, trigger a need for review of this CUs dosing. So, this state is present. Observations are communicated. Things become implied. A simple directive from the MD gets twisted and who knows where we are now, except to say the symptoms remain unattended at this time.

Next issue - pending CU 4's registration for the daycare across the street.

In the City's infinite wisdom, they've amalgamated a child care registry which provides parents with wider access to available child care resources. So, this means I have to register the unborn in order to try to communicate with my neighbors across the street to reserve a place for CU 4 10 months from now. I'm actually ok with the paperwork.

The problem comes from the message on my answering machine where someone decided to correct my due date and my return to work date ... they believed I did a typo when I put down 2007 for both dates. Er, no I didn't. The dates are indeed correct (no matter how absurd they appear to you.)

And on it goes and goes and blows.

I haven't even made it to the insurance snafu, cookie collection details that have gone AWOL, three hours of homework supervision (between two CUs while being interfered with by another CU), MDs message to call back and when I do the office is closed early, and a France-French teacher who's starting to bring back my nightmares of Grade 7-8 French with Madame Morris.

Oh the life I lead.

End of rant.

For a better reading time, I recommend this.

PS: PC if you're reading this. I may not be up to par, but I need a drink. Make mine a double (laté or tall, or what ever the thing is called now!)