Monday, March 31, 2008

What card are you?

You are the World

Completion, Good Reward.

The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.

The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Days lost

I'm digging myself out of the cavernous space I've made in my bed for the last five days to get to technology to renew my library books. How's that grab you? I've been laboriously sick for almost two weeks now - off work since Wednesday afternoon and what's the first thing that comes to my semi-lucent mind - OMG the FINES! THE FINES!

I'm also doing a quick round of email, blogs and the like, just to make sure I'm not too far behind when I finally come out of the fog (apparently this could go one for another week or so).

I got this meme from Josie who got it from Major Bedhead who had tagged her. It's the Six Words meme and is based on the Not Quite What I Had Planned memoir, put out by Smith Magazine.

Here are the rules:

1) Write your own six word memoir;
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like;
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere;
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links; and
5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

Here's mine: I need more good drugs now.

BTW - CU-4 and I did take a morning run to the clinic - apparently he's worse of then me - blown ear drum. I've got a sinus infection. We're both on the same medication for the next 10 days.

Oh, and I tag PC, if she's willing to play.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Date night

Many of my readers (all four of you) have noted that The Huz and I indeed had a date night. Alas, we ARE the original old married couple stuck in younger peoples bodies. And, the fun we had Saturday night is now being paid for royally.

While CU1 and 2 are off cavorting with their father, CU-3 (patient zero), and CU-4 (patient zero.five) have successfully recreated the perfect laboratory in which to exercise the classic "Lord of the Flies" experiment (read, they've successfully contaminated Maman and Papa is showing the classic symptoms - low grade fever, burning lungs, achy muscles - all of which he attributes to demolishing and rebuilding his kids bedroom over the weekend (it's an old house people!)).

Maman, with the help of her friendly pharmacist and happy little yellow day pills and cute itty bitty blue pills for night is trying to rebound. Apparently the instructions on the box should include the following side effects: may appear drunk to coworkers (that is, you can not walk a straight line to the kitchen for a cup of joe), you may phase out frequently in meetings (that might not be a side effect though), and productivity is questionable. Still, it makes everyone around you look like shinny, happy people!

And with that, I, once more must regal you all in potty talk. I've dug out the CD this

song is one and have set it on repeat for CU-4s night time lullabye!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Rocks and trees and trees and rocks

Saturday night gave me an opportunity to go out with The Huz on a pseudo-date. Considering that we just don't date well (we co-habitat really well though), it was almost the usual.

Dinner out was pleasant, at a place I wanted to go to for our anniversary dinner. (I'd like to note that I must stop watching Restaurant Makeover, it's making me hyper critical of my random eating-out experiences.)

Afterwards, we walked a couple of miles along the bus route to the junction, thinking we'd see a schedule bus pass. Alas, not on this route - it has a reputation that it lives up to.

We did make our connection and did make it out to the theatre where we made it with 10 minutes to spare/stand in line for the pre-theatre bathroom break. The Good Lovlies opened for The Arrogant Worms.

It was our first viewing of a Worms concert and was well worth the money. We know their music so well that it becomes a bit of a sing along at different points.

Here's one that we love

(Good example of what prairie kids do for fun!

And this is the posts name sake:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

For those of you who are mobile and *are not* suffering from the respiratory illness that's making the rounds, Hoppy Easter. For the rest of you/us, "hey", and you can go back to bed now. See you Tuesday. ;-)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring has sprung

Well, it's officially spring, and, well, we're officially below average in temperature. This is causing me, in short, to be short tempered.

I've gone through the February blues. Now I just want the bleep-bleeep-bleep-bleeeeeping cold weather to go away.

Yah yah to living in Canada and all that. Geeze, I got laughed at when I mentioned that the tulip festival is about five weeks away. Sure, it sounds a bit unrealistic, I thought to myself as I turned the corner on the car dealership in my neighborhood and spotted the Mita's buried in snow.

The cold makes me tired. It also has made me house bound as 2 out of 4 children are sick (fever, and lots of laundry-producing stuff). The positive? I got a delicious nap in this afternoon until a touring evangelist decided it was important that I receive a personal invitation to join him and 400 of his closest friends at an auditorium to celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection.

Well, I was pissed for having my dream broken into and didn't find my glasses, so I was double-scowling, and him being a man, didn't hear about the broken nap - though I'd have happily foisted a screaming child on him, if neither had not also zonked out. So, upon receiving the invite, I closed the door on him and I did what I thought was best - I left the invite for my pagan husband and crawled back into bed for another 15 minutes of slumbering warmth.

Mmmmm. I love afternoon nappies! I'm sooooo jealous of cats. Cats have the BEST life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I hate March

I don't use the word hate lightly, or often. I was raised saying that it was too strong a word.

I hate March.

I've got a case of the blahs.
I'm frustrated with the mountain of snow and long for just a little bit of warmth from the sun.
I didn't take a break in March. I'm a mother to four children and I care about my relationship with my spouse. There is no such thing as vacation for me for the next, oh, 25 years.

As I right this, CU-4, who should be in bed, like, an hour a go, is trying to help me type. He's just come in with his bounty from rearranging the recycling.

I've not completed my blog rounds, which keep me sane. I got as far as Raise the Wrecking Crew's blog and then had to go and yell at the kids to complete basic self care.

Sorry WC, I think you opened a can of worms when you asked what was frustrating me. I should have given you the Coles Notes version and said "March".

To pass it along, and give equal opportunity to you all, what is bugging you? Confessional is now open.

Oh, and for any of you who feel that you could use a bit of TLC, drop me a line - I'm still looking for pay it forward candidates.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

G-nome project

And here are the results this morning.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


This is the middle part of a clown costume I started making just before 7:00 p.m. I finished just before 10:00 p.m. (There's a hat to go with it.)

CU-3 is at daycare this week, and the March break theme is Circus. Wednesday (tomorrow) she's supposed to come dressed up. Could she pick a costume that we'd already had a base for? NoooooOOOooo. So, Maman got it all together (minus the clown shoes, I ran out of steam there) the night before ... amazing.

I think I'm continuing a rather bad precedent don't you think? (Mamans the white knight who will save them from presentation/project hell!?)

There's another bad side effect I hadn't considered, my kids are going to start to think that I actually like them!! :D)

All in all, it turned out pretty good, and it was a good distraction. (I'll try to get a picture of CU-3 in full regalia.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Words don't matter

Arg. I really don't like it that I have fewer and fewer happy stories to regale the few readers I have.

My latest one comes from my ex-spouse who sends me an email Friday night saying "Surprise! I'm taking our kids out of province. We'll be back Wednesday late."

I first hear about this when I try to leave a message on the other home's answering machine to tell her a friend has called. The person left-behind informs me of the status of my children, and there begins the unraveling of the evening.

Emails go back and forth. I'm forthright saying that the agreement states that for a 72 hour absence the absentee parent is required to provide the other parent with travel details. I'm told "oh... do we have to go that far ...?"

I ask again, could you just provide me with the travel details - car, train or plane and the addresses they're staying at. I get some of the information (not where they're staying overnight at the 1/4 way point, and not a land line telephone number). And I get CAPITAL LETTERS showing me how pissed I've made the fellow.

Sigh. I'm getting verbally crucified for wanting to take the children to the neighboring State for a day trip (not even 3 hours in the States!) to pick up some traveling relatives, and they can't provide me with the basics of where I kids will be.


The double-standards have left me with a face-ache that's been running for three-weeks now.

On top of it all, I've had a child who's had a meltdown and has asked me to provide assistance with communication to the other household regarding living arrangement preferences. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place.

What to do. I'd like to get counseling for the child, but can't do this without the father's consent. (I'm thinking that might help her diffuse the situation from her end of things, and/or help her find a voice to speak her mind to fix the situation, what ever it is.) The likelihood of getting consent is about the same odds of me winning the 649, providing I play. (Though there is the Kids Phone Helpline.)

I've been asked by a number of people whom I've asked for advice, what happens if she just refuses to go ... good question. I don't know what that would mean to me, to the child who is well under the age of 16).

Dear readers, do you know any one who's been in a similar position who's made it through whole?

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I love blogs

OMG do I love blogs. I've almost given up TV completely in order to spend my bit of free time between making lunches, preparing for the next day, and well, these days, shoveling snow.

I've found a bunch of new blogs that are thought provoking, interesting, fun to read (and really, these are just a few of the dozen or so I'm trying to get around to... As I find people around me get distracted and move on to other things and other cycles, I'm building a virtual world that I really appreciate having.

As other bloggers say, it's hard to make the rounds of everyone, and sometimes I just stop posting (usually because I have nothing/nothing new to say, so I go back to lurker status).

To all of you who don't know I read your stuff, I say THANK YOU. I feel much more connected, and this is a good thing.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

And it keeps on going

Just when I think something is going to shift, it does ... on to me. I hoisted myself out from under a pile of shit at work, and, well, another comes shifting over. The friendship I thought I was loosing, I think is going under for the third time. It's within range of me seeing, but I can't save it.

As a survivor of the down/right/out sizing/sourcing catastrophe, it's hard to watch everything crashing around me in slow motion.

I'm angry about everything. My psoriasis is spreading (this is a really bad canary in the coal mines for me. It means I'm very upset, and it's not coming out in the right way).

I miss my friend.