Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I love blogs

OMG do I love blogs. I've almost given up TV completely in order to spend my bit of free time between making lunches, preparing for the next day, and well, these days, shoveling snow.

I've found a bunch of new blogs that are thought provoking, interesting, fun to read (and really, these are just a few of the dozen or so I'm trying to get around to... As I find people around me get distracted and move on to other things and other cycles, I'm building a virtual world that I really appreciate having.

As other bloggers say, it's hard to make the rounds of everyone, and sometimes I just stop posting (usually because I have nothing/nothing new to say, so I go back to lurker status).

To all of you who don't know I read your stuff, I say THANK YOU. I feel much more connected, and this is a good thing.


Josie said...

Thanks for the new reads :)

Bryant said...

Thanks for the mention! And thanks for the comments. I'm a pretty new blogger and I love the interchange.

Anonymous said...

Umm... you're welcome? :)

(We should be thanking you for coming by.)