Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring has sprung

Well, it's officially spring, and, well, we're officially below average in temperature. This is causing me, in short, to be short tempered.

I've gone through the February blues. Now I just want the bleep-bleeep-bleep-bleeeeeping cold weather to go away.

Yah yah to living in Canada and all that. Geeze, I got laughed at when I mentioned that the tulip festival is about five weeks away. Sure, it sounds a bit unrealistic, I thought to myself as I turned the corner on the car dealership in my neighborhood and spotted the Mita's buried in snow.

The cold makes me tired. It also has made me house bound as 2 out of 4 children are sick (fever, and lots of laundry-producing stuff). The positive? I got a delicious nap in this afternoon until a touring evangelist decided it was important that I receive a personal invitation to join him and 400 of his closest friends at an auditorium to celebrate Jesus' death and resurrection.

Well, I was pissed for having my dream broken into and didn't find my glasses, so I was double-scowling, and him being a man, didn't hear about the broken nap - though I'd have happily foisted a screaming child on him, if neither had not also zonked out. So, upon receiving the invite, I closed the door on him and I did what I thought was best - I left the invite for my pagan husband and crawled back into bed for another 15 minutes of slumbering warmth.

Mmmmm. I love afternoon nappies! I'm sooooo jealous of cats. Cats have the BEST life.

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