Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Date night

Many of my readers (all four of you) have noted that The Huz and I indeed had a date night. Alas, we ARE the original old married couple stuck in younger peoples bodies. And, the fun we had Saturday night is now being paid for royally.

While CU1 and 2 are off cavorting with their father, CU-3 (patient zero), and CU-4 (patient zero.five) have successfully recreated the perfect laboratory in which to exercise the classic "Lord of the Flies" experiment (read, they've successfully contaminated Maman and Papa is showing the classic symptoms - low grade fever, burning lungs, achy muscles - all of which he attributes to demolishing and rebuilding his kids bedroom over the weekend (it's an old house people!)).

Maman, with the help of her friendly pharmacist and happy little yellow day pills and cute itty bitty blue pills for night is trying to rebound. Apparently the instructions on the box should include the following side effects: may appear drunk to coworkers (that is, you can not walk a straight line to the kitchen for a cup of joe), you may phase out frequently in meetings (that might not be a side effect though), and productivity is questionable. Still, it makes everyone around you look like shinny, happy people!

And with that, I, once more must regal you all in potty talk. I've dug out the CD this

song is one and have set it on repeat for CU-4s night time lullabye!


Josie said...

I know the little yellow and blue pills well.
Hope you're on the mend :)

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Love the cow videos. Especially the California cheese one with the sheep.