Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I hate March

I don't use the word hate lightly, or often. I was raised saying that it was too strong a word.

I hate March.

I've got a case of the blahs.
I'm frustrated with the mountain of snow and long for just a little bit of warmth from the sun.
I didn't take a break in March. I'm a mother to four children and I care about my relationship with my spouse. There is no such thing as vacation for me for the next, oh, 25 years.

As I right this, CU-4, who should be in bed, like, an hour a go, is trying to help me type. He's just come in with his bounty from rearranging the recycling.

I've not completed my blog rounds, which keep me sane. I got as far as Raise the Wrecking Crew's blog and then had to go and yell at the kids to complete basic self care.

Sorry WC, I think you opened a can of worms when you asked what was frustrating me. I should have given you the Coles Notes version and said "March".

To pass it along, and give equal opportunity to you all, what is bugging you? Confessional is now open.

Oh, and for any of you who feel that you could use a bit of TLC, drop me a line - I'm still looking for pay it forward candidates.


Josie said...

You should have your Pay it Forward box by Friday or Monday. I'm bad an got sucked into my own life forgetting my blog promises.

I hate the dirty outside right now. Everything is brown or grey or puddles. Not feeling Spring for Friday.

Anonymous said...

Grandma "C" here again, all I can say is, "This too will pass". What I mean is "The Sun will Come out Tomorrow". Jeez I better not go on, my head is full of nonsense, must be that March thing. Or maybe I just took too many pain killers today.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

My weight is up and I can't get out walking/running/cycling because we live in slush land under about 2" of water. I feel blah too! Coffee soon?