Sunday, August 17, 2008

Crabasses unite

Summer is supposed to be a time of relaxation, and good spirits, or so *I* thought.

Not this year.

Yesterday night I had a bad parenting moment 101 where I blew-up at one of my children based on their father's behavior (not the one I live with - the other one). I wanted to just stop being a parent/adult and have my feelings considered. I wanted some one to stand up to this guy who just continues to be mean to me. I have to be an adult though.

* * *

Friday, as I was walking homeward to collect children, I stared at the railroad tracks at my transfer point and wondered what would happen if I just didn't go home for a few hours ... It has never happened, except in my head. (I've been doing this since I was little. It's a version of the fight or flight mechanism.)


Anonymous said...

Grandma "C" here. Don't let the "BEAST" get to you, you are too good a person, and Puberty is a really rough time. Keep a stiff upper lip.

Anonymous said...

I think we all have parenting days like that, running away does seem tempting.

Hang in there.

Josie said...

You're not alone.
We all have those moments.

Deep breaths and knowing it will get better.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I took off once from home. I was in an angry huff. It felt sooo good for nobody to know where I went.