Monday, September 01, 2008

Laborious Labor Day

Happy first day of September.

As I finally reach the computer, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's been having troubles getting posts out.

With a whole week of nice weather, I've been using what I've been given as wisely as I can.

I got 8 square metres of dirt delivered Friday night (a gift to myself that I've been thinking about since New Years) and have been playing in it most of the weekend, hauling it too and fro. It felt good to be working the muscles again. It's also a good child care device, as long as you don't really mind the extra laundry and kid scrubbing that accompanies it.

After hours I've been doing the interior work. The Huz has been working on doing some fix-ups of the place, and I'm responsible for the finishing work (priming and painting). It's been going fast, so it's not been so bothersome this time. (I still immensely dislike painting walls though.) The painting resulted in a funny episode this morning with CU-2 wondering if I'd dyed parts of my hair white after she'd gone to bed. I told her that it was because of CU-1 and his actions, that my hair turned! (It was just paint.)

Schools in for my kids. Second week and all. CU-2 lamented to me that she wished she had homework. CU-1, when asked his teacher's name (I know what it is ...), didn't know. Sigh. And he's supposed to go into grade 7 next year. CU-3 would like to be wearing her school clothes to bed. She'll got three of the four days this week and will get to meet up with a chum she hasn't seen since the end of June.

I'm glad to get back to some routine. The Huz is packing five lunches tonight. Not his favorite thing to do, though he does it so well. (It's like getting a super surprise for lunch.)

I'm trying to catch up on who's up to what and maybe some paperwork that really needs to be attended to, now that it's September! Cripes! September! I've got only eight weeks to work on the Hallowe'en costumes now! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Obviously I needed to negotiate "make me a good lunch for work" into my relationship agreement.

The Boy has his first day tomorrow. We're good to go except we're still mid-reno. He changed rooms. He's so proud. Me -- I think I'm going insane.

As for Hallowe'en. God.. "make" costumes... riiiiiiiiight!

Anonymous said...

Grandma "C" here, ah the smell of new school supplies, the bright shiney faces, the excitement, first day. I remember fondly. I hope tomorrow is a really good day for all your CU school kids.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I love the smell of a new box of crayons, or playdough. The real stuff.

alison said...

I don't even want to think about Halloween yet. Have fun with your dirt! Extra laundry and kid scrubbing is right...