Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday night and all is well

Well sort of.

CU-3 and 4 are in their beds, thankfully sleeping at this hour.

The Huz is out at some company meeting thingy. When I asked him what time he was coming home, he cheerly announced, "oh midnight". Huh? What? That resulted in an immediate call to his cell phone and a tiny tongue lashing as I told him that 1) he's expected to put in a full, long day again tomorrow coordinating this monstrous event for yet another day, 2) he's leaving early in the morning (which means he gets up before 5:45 in the morning, which means I don't get enough support in the morning to get the kids to their respective drop-off points AND get to my French class that starts at 8:15); 3) this stupid event lasts another day, only to be followed by his first volunteer shift at ball hockey at the community centre, followed by another late night while he gets his CPR Train-the-trainer certification.

If I was a single mother I could do this. Really I could. I used to do this. I used to be a competent, all together type of a person. I've grown lazy and soft (not just around the middle either) relying on some one else to help out. I wasn't ready for the amount of work that comes with another kid in school. I thought it would be easier.

I'd take up drinking seriously if it'd help me get the laundry folded, the permission forms filled in and my French homework done. (I've been trying to get to the liquor store for three weeks now. This is not good.)

I do expect things to shift next week when I'm back at work more or less full time. (I have only four hours of French per week for the month of October, and I'll get to pick-up the projects that I've let slack off for the last week and a half.)

With October I have to really start looking at the Hallowe'en costumes. So far #3 has backed off of a Dora-esque costume and is digging in for Roadrunner. Meep. Meep. Any suggestions on how to pull that one off?


Anonymous said...

Grandma "C" here, hum lets see, let me mull this one over in my head and I'll get back to you

Anonymous said...

I hate all the stupid evening meetings. I have no clue how anyone does it alone. I don't. God. I feel your pain. Sort of.

Road Runner eh? Let me ponder that one.

Anonymous said...

Grandma "C", if you pick "Name/URL" instead of "Anonymous" when you're leaving a comment, you'll be able to actually put "Grandma "C"" in the name field instead of in the comment itself.

Anonymous said...

OK I'll try that, once before it wouldn't let me in, maybe this time