Monday, September 29, 2008


From the desk of ...

When asked about involving BOTH households in the discussion regarding an activity impacting CU#1.

The reality is CU-1 had a major breakdown at the possibility of travelling with the class. We talked about scenarios but in the end we assured him no one would pressure him to change his mind. << That'd be me.

When suggesting that the other house may want to collect the children for planned activities on their time, or, heaven forbid, coordinate activities
The children activities are all private lessons with professional coaches, they are scheduled on a regular basis. We would not want to creat a conflict with events that you might plan for them. thanks for the openness.

When asked for the return of three different fall coats
We haven't seen CU-1's coats.

And finally, the cherry. This comment was thrown in for good measure
This is the second time that the drugstore cannot fill the whole prescription, that bothers me and demonstrates poor customer service, next time we will fill it in at a drugstore that maintains enough inventory to satisfy client demand.

10 years of this boys and girls. 10 freaking years. I want a do over. I want those years back, and I want the anxiety this guy is causing if not to my kids, then selfishly to me, to freaking stop.

From my own experience with my own father, and seeing what he did for the last 27 years, some how I just don't think it's going to be possible, because even once the kids are grown-up, or he's dead and gone, the legacy continues.


Anonymous said...

All I can say, is you know what they say about "Old Dogs", well I think you would have a better chance of teaching an "Old Dog" than, the X.
(by the way, that was me on the other comment, hit enter instead of quotation marks)

Josie said...

I've never understood this. You've both moved on with your lives, why put you and the kids thru the hoops??

No one wins.
