Sunday, September 07, 2008

To do

I need some one else's to do list. Mine is daunting.

It's the change of seasons. In with the summer clothes, out with the fall and winter stuff. Meanwhile, there has a to be a sort to determine which close will never fit the child again, which are ok to pass on down, and which need to be passed on.

That's the top of my list. Then there's the painting, unpacking from summer (which, six weeks later is still yet to be done), sorting through and catching up on all the school forms, preparing the yard for the cooler weather (putting away the toddler pool, and tidying up some of the toys), washing windows and tidying gutters. (Those last too are perpetually on my list and just don't seem to get done.) Then there's the regular stuff like sweeping floors, laundry, bringing in groceries, attending to emails, preparing proposals for photography shows, library run.

Those are some of the reasons I want some one else's list. It might be more interesting.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't count on my list being any more interesting. I keep meaning to sort through our 1,500 photos from our trip and get a book made-- and we are in home reno hell... ack!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen

Anonymous said...

Actually, never mind. I was thinking it was for general photographers but it's for portrait photogs.

alison said...

My list sounds depressingly like yours, with the added bonus of closing the pool for the winter. And trying to 'tidy' the perennial gardens a.k.a. machete that jungle back into submission. Still wanna trade?

Josie said...

I'll swap you lists hon. You can write my Economics comparison paper on the economic downturn in the US and Canada.

I need it by Thursday.


richgold said...

Alison, I'll take your list. Absolutely. I'd love to have a pool (besides the one that looks like a tub boat stuck on a reef). Besides, my home telephone number is one number away from a company who DOES pool openings and closings ... ;-)

Josie - you're wacked for taking on courses, and I'm way proud of you for doing it. I've been mulling it around. Looks like I'll be taking on French, whether I like it or not. (CU-3 is currently being tested to see if she needs extra help in that area.

Anonymous said...

I would love it if you would go to Sam's Club for me, then take care of returns at two shoe stores, and also track down some large marbles that are kind of a milky white. 'K? Thanks!

richgold said...

I'll add that to my list Jen!