Tuesday, July 08, 2008

When Mom's rock

There's something in the water.

In the last four days I've had at least five people ask me if I was going to have more children. I don't know where that's coming from. It could be that the extra weight is a signal for people to ask if I'm in the family way (I'm not). It could be that the idea that once you have four, what's another couple? Or, just maybe people think I like kids. Ha. No way it could be that one.

Here's a snippet of a discussion I had today at work with some of my male colleagues after one asked (he said he was joking) :

Him: "I had a great weekend with my kids."
Me: "I'd have probably had a great weekend with your kids too."
Him: "Aw come on. You like your kids."
Me: "Just what would give you that idea?"
Him, staring at me trying to figure out if I'm joking.
Me: "I like other peoples kids. Mine? That's another thing."

Tonight, while in transit to pick up CU-4, I met up with the Ball Hockey Canteen Den Mother who started going at me, telling me that the world needs more parents like me. Like what? Like huh? Me? Nah.

And this weekend, one of my bestest friends from grad school called me, out of the blue, and went on about me. Good grief. You'd think I was Josie or something! ;-)


Josie said...

I passed the curse along when we were emailing last night hon. Did I forget to mention that?

I love people who cross boundaries. Clear, distinct, personal boundaries. Makes me want to say I've switched teams, bought a gun and support George Bush.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Kids make me sleepy, tierd, cranky, fat, ugly, impatient, stupider, emotionally and physically drained. Why'd I have them again? Oh ya, they're fun at Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Hysterical... I'm sorry we didn't get to meet this weekend.

I hear you hauled ass with Corey and Jeff.