Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dinner wars

So tonight The Huz and I went head-to-head with dinner menus.

He in the right corner with his version of his mother's chicken and dumplings. Me in the opposite corner with canned beans and porch pork and buttered toast triangles.

Dinner unraveled a bit like this.

Me: "I'm not eating THAT." pointing to the chicken and dumplings. (*I* happen to have a major dumpling phobia that goes W-A-Y back.)

The Huz: "That's ok. CU-3 and 4 like it."

Me, spooning out some warmed up canned beans, looks around as CU-3 starts yelling "I want what she's having!"


I arrive at the dinner table with now two servings of brown beans. CU-4 is already at the table with his chicken and dumplings before him, waiting to say grace. He takes one look at what CU-3 and I are having and starts making grabbing gestures towards our dinners.

I turn to The Huz "I guess he wants some ..." I say with just a bit too much glee. I get the look.

There you have it fashion lovers, Chicken and Dumplings, ZERO. Mom's specially canned baked beans 1!


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I vote for the beans too!

Anonymous said...

Ah Chicken and Dumplings are really good. Beans are OK also.

alison said...

I come from a long like of British folks who think beans on toast is the pinnacle of culinary yumminess. It did throw me for a minute when I read "beans and porch", that would be a bit too, um woody for me.