Friday, November 14, 2008

It's Friday

Unlike Nat, I didn't get my hair cut today. Nor did I sign up for a half-marathon. I did listen to my husband torment some poor guy who was trying to sell us a Global Male (I was thinking of Jen's postings on the subject) and was hoping that maybe my husband was ordering one for my birthday, sigh.

The Huz finally hung up when he asked the guy at the other end of the telephone what kind of toothpaste he used, because he must have very good oral hygiene to be in his line of work.

Nevertheless it's Friday. I like Fridays, almost as much as I like Mondays. (And I usually love Mondays.)

This Friday CU-1 and all his troubles have migrated back with him to his other house. Regrettably CU-2 has gone with him. She's the most fun that can be packed in a 10 year old frame.

CU-1 has certainly given me a run for my money this week. Two notes from school, super shitty adolescent attitude and no NEW winter jacket or snow pants (his father claims they never came home with CU-1. Note: this is the third COAT since September that has gone missing.)

The end of this school year can't come soon enough.

Now it's Friday night. I've just synchronized the family calendar, complete with haircut appointments for 2/3 of the family, with my home/work agenda. Only two more calendars to synchronize. It's almost as good as cleaning out the junk drawer.

Also, I got notice that the big order for advertisement stuff for a December art show I'm participating in are on their way!

My discounted winter shoes arrived from LandsEnd this week.

CU-3 has an invitation to play with a neighbor down the street tomorrow.

And The Huz is virtually all mine for the weekend!

Wahoo and hip horray!


Anonymous said...

Odd about the coats. I wonder what's up with that.

I hope you have a great weekend. You're more than welcome to join us for the half.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

hmmm. I don't know how so many could disappear in such a short time. A very long and expensive winter ahead in the forcast!

Anonymous said...

Hum, my best advice is check out the "Lost and Found" at school, or the locker. I used to find all kinds of goodies there, lost boots, mits, toques, lunches, etc.

richgold said...

Re coats ... they usually get lost on their father's time ... this isn't the first year for this to happen.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, that's a good deal on those winter shoes. Might have to get a pair myself. ;-)

Josie said...

3 coats?!? Is he selling them on some unknown black market at school?
Hope you enjoyed your week end and thank you for the email:)
I promise to get back into the swing of things this week.