Thursday, November 20, 2008

34 days left

Yesterday I met up with CU-2 on the play ground.

"35 days left until the big day" she said.

"Huh?" I replied. I just finished sprinting the route that normally takes The Huz about 30 minutes to complete (darned alarm clock didn't go off!) I had little clue about what she was saying.

"35 days until Christmas. Are you excited?" she prodded.

"Um, no."

Not sure if that was an acceptable answer. It's the only one I had at the moment. Now with 34 days, I'm still not excited. So far, in my French class, another student's wife already has their tree up and the house decorated. My ex has his orange-tinsel tree up (officially as of November 1!) Not us.

I've been taking a more laid back approach to the season for the last couple of years. Our tree has been going up later and later. In fact, I remember one year that The Huz had to do most of the decorating himself, as the kids and I had spent most of our energy making a paper-chain garland for the tree and then pooped out on the couch to watch cartoons.

Here we are November 20th with 34 days left (actually 33 days and 31 minutes to THE BIG DAY). There's no snow on the ground, I'm in a windowless classroom for eight hours a day, and with the rest of my "free time" I'm hitting the books (the kid's, not mine), or vaching a bit in front of the TV or radio. There's not a lot of external influences to point out that we're going through the seasonal change.

I return to civilian life for December. Maybe things will be different then. Goodness knows I need to get the lead out. I've got packages that have to be put together to go State side and out West and they need to put in the mandatory storage time with Canada Post!


Anonymous said...

I think we put up our Christmas tree on the 23 last year... poor boy wasn't sure Christmas was coming.

Only 34 days eh? Need to get my crap together.

Anonymous said...

Know the feeling. Well with no snow on the ground, and very little chance of getting any, and with tempatures above normal, getting into the spirit ain't happen. Of course last year was very exciting, but this year not so much. December 1 is comming, so maybe it'll change, the spirit that is.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I can't get into the season this year. I have to say, after my walk this morning though it certainly is cold enough for Christmas. I hear the snow will follow in the next couple of days. I'm still mourning the summer we never had.

Anonymous said...

Christmas 2008??!! Didn't we just have that? And like PC, I'm mourning the lack of summer. Someone please slow down the planet.

alison said...

Ya know, we get a real tree every year, so if it goes up much before the 20th of December, it's a fire hazard by Christmas day. I'll be doing my decorating some time next month.