Saturday, November 29, 2008

In response to Nat

Nat started something good, IMHO - I've not attended to my randomness, and like her approach.

Feel bored with myself. Hell yes. Though, right now I'm see-sawing between wanting to flat out weep and get mad. PMS swings or over tired, over-stressed, over-drawn, over-everything.

It's been a rough week. The Huz still hasn't recovered from his wisdom teeth being removed Monday afternoon. And we have a snow storm coming in Monday, which means I might have to drag 1/2 the family to their destinations AND pick them up again at the end of the day.

Saturday was a good but bad day running from event to event (volunteered at the artisan sale in the morning, the library event in the afternoon, and back to the artisan event for clean-up. In between child care, cake, music, groceries and a horse drawn trolley ride). I'm bagged.

Sunday it's the same thing, but different. Church, hardware store, drop-offs to vendors who loaned stuff, and a trip to pitch things to Chez Vincents. If there's still gas in my tank, I'll trot some photographs over to Patrick John Mills Contemporary Art Gallery for a show that's opening up this week.

Maybe, just maybe I'll get lucky, the road will stay clear, people will stay out of my way as I run frantically about, and I'll make it home with enough time to get the vacuum cleaner out and take care of the dust rhinos, push a couple of loads of bedding through, and find the outdoor Christmas decorations.

Barring that luck, maybe Monday's storm will be a doozy and I'll be told to stay at home!! Here's to wishing.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

That means no school for the kids if there is a storm! AWK!!!!!

Nat said...

Oh god, I had not realized about The Huz and the teeth (or lack thereof). I hope he's on the mend. Looks like the storm will miss us.

Defintely some PMS on the brain on this end -- I also need the child to stop bringing illnesses into the house. Which reminds me, when he gets better, he's getting a flu shot.