Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Slow news day

These days I'm easily distracted and, well, I'll confess, irritable.

It's not because I'm NOT out cavorting, making art and picking up mongo along the way. Well, I wish that was the reason because that would more easily explain my longer and longer absences from the blog as well as some of the long winded complaining I've been doing here.

The reality is sooo much less interesting. Full days of French training (for which I am sooo freaking frustrated because I STILL can't correctly conjugate various tenses), followed by house hold home work, school home work, blah blah blah. It just gets too boring to speak of.

When I get my free time, make that IF I get my free time, I cruise other people's blogs, as their lives and their stories and even sometimes their problems that they post about are much much more interesting then mine. And I'm way ok with that. Sure beats overindulging in other past-times. Besides, I don't know that I'd have the time to do any of that!

So, Monday I turn a corner. I'm back at work. I've lined up meeting with my clients (these are other departments) and I sure hope they're looking at December as a month to get things done, 'cause I am. I've eaten my Wheaties and I'm raring to get back to the old 8 to 4. Oh my life was so much less complicated then!


Anonymous said...

(If it's any consolation. I still have issues with verb tenses and I am native francophone.)

I jest but is there anything I can help you with French wise? Have Besherel will travel.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I think that boring is in the air lately! Only I'm not even finding other peoples stuff interesting. Unfortunately the only think I want to pay attention to is chocolate or anything of the dessert family.

Josie said...

My french is horrible so my hat off to you for even trying.
I have found November to be long, dreary and endless this year. And while I want it to be over, I shudder at all that has to be done in December....