Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Critics, line up behind my mother

I thought it would be cathartic writing about the conversation I had with my mother this evening. Alas, no, as it's provoked an argument with The Huz.

The light version of it goes like this:

. I disappointment mother because I don't keep house well
. I disappointment mother because I am not tidy like her
. I disappointment mother because ( fill in the blank here ) and because I do not exert enough influence on The Huz to be everything else that I am not.

Because of the last one, we got into an argument about how he's feeling inept whenever I get off the telephone after one of these "pick me up" conversations with the Mothership. (I'd mentioned to him that in my self defense I told Mom that once she got done fixing her husband up, she could come over and start on mine. I was trying to be sarcastic. Alas, I don't think either one heard it.)

And, just for fun, I got criticized by The Huz for doing too much for other people (like walking a neighbors son to and from the same hockey program in which our children participate, or for baking cookies for our son's care giver.)

To end this post on a happy note, here is what I think has to be the world's easiest cookie recipe:

Pumpkin cookies
1 box of spice cake mix
15 oz of pumpkin

1. Open box and place in bowl.
2. Add 15 oz of your favorite source of pumpkin (canned or fresh, but cooked)
3. Mix.
4. Spray/oil cookie sheets.
5. Spoon lumps of cookie dough onto cookie sheet.
6. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes.
7. Cool.
8. Eat.

This is also a sneaky way to get fruit and fibre into a kid's diet.


Nat said...

Gah! Mothers... I love mine to death. However, it's the pregnant pauses that say so much.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I love the line you used, "once your done fixing your husband up....." that's a great comeback. As for doing too much for others, aside from just being nice and helpful, sometimes that's a way to feel appreciated for all you do. Others tend to say thank you before family members.