Thursday, December 04, 2008

The silent "Q"

So, CU-2 is back for the week, early, because tomorrow is another PD day.

She asked to play Scrabble tonight. I agreed. I'd never played Scrabble with her, and at 10, thought she could be a reasonable opponent.

She suggested it be a bilingual version, so that both our vocabulary proficiencies could be covered.

As she was putting letters on the board, I checked the sheet. She and I were an equal match. I had to do something to throw her off her game. As she lay down her tiles (P-I-N-E) I told her that the spelling was wrong. It was missing the silent "Q". She looked at me, not sure what to make of me and tried to challenge my authoritative spelling.

"Mais non, Maman. C'est PINE en français!"

I responded: "Nope. My teacher corrected me on that one too. There is a silent Q in the middle. You can't put down the letters without the Q. Just ask The Huz!"

That's when my cover got blown.

So I followed it up with "Hey, did you know if you say gullible fast enough it sounds like CHOCOLATE?"

Therapy. That's what this girl's going to need. Maybe I can get that her some for Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Well the reason I don't play scrabble is because I'm not a good speller, and I am easily sucked in with "missing letters", etc.

Nat said...

OH man... are you ever going to pay for that one. hahahaha...

Josie said...

seeing as my french is limited to swear words, I never would have challenged you on it:)