Wednesday, April 09, 2008

It's 10 o'clock and alllllllssss wellllll

It's only Wednesday night and I've been fighting the good fight with flu/allergies/what-ever-the-hell-is-going around. Oh well.

Meanwhile, DH has been banging his way to building CU-3 and 4 a better bedroom. This means I've been left to my own devices, and laundry, and child rearing.

Most of the time it's not an issue. Being sick for a couple of weeks has put me behind on house keeping (those of you who have seen my house will be asking yourselves "and the difference is ...?").

CU-1 and 2 come home tomorrow night - a whole day early because of the blasted PD days that come like sprinklings of sugar throughout the year. So, that just kind of compounds to the chaos as there is their laundry (that still hasn't been processed). My laundry, his laundry and other people's laundry. That's a whole lot of laundry.

Which causes me to panic a bit. Just a teeny, tiney bit. 'Cause I feel like I'm stealing time if I bother to work on my Etsy shop. Though, it is coming ... May 1 people!

Oh, and then there's Spring. Who thought that Spring was a good time to start things, like gardens, and cleaning, and being outside? I mean really - those distractions are distracting me from getting my business started! And from doing laundry. I mean really people. After such a crappy winter, why couldn't we get a few good rainy days (I said rain - no more white stuff) so that I could catch up on the laundry, and vacuuming, and maybe, just maybe start on the clothing rotation for six people.

Alas, it's 10 o'clock and all is pretty good at this end. Nothing a good bout of delegation wouldn't solve. (If only there was some one who I could delegate too! ;-)

1 comment:

Josie said...

May 1st WOOT!!! Help is still offered.
Spring is a lovely thing, while fleeting here, I had to wear closed toe shoes today and probably tomorrow....but it's coming!!!
Laundry??? What's that??? I'm ignoring the piles.