Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back to arg

Holy moly, how many times do I turn to the web to whine?

Let's borrow one from Meg and write up a list ...

Things I'd like to do this week:

. sell my children to the circus
. sell my project manager to the circus
. open my window at work (I'm on the 11th floor) and pitch my desk top computer out (it's a construction site next door, the guys are wearing hard hats, so no one would be harmed in the process)
. clone myself

My kids have been bad. Very very bad this week. Cats and dogs get along more harmoniously.
The older two have been concocting science experiments in their lockers at school. And, lucky Mom! I get to clean out their lockers there, as well as pick up after them at home. Oh joy. Don't I feel fulfilled now?

My project manager at work. In his defense, he did go away to a warm, sunny spot for a week during a major snow dump, and right before that happened, the project I'm working on was transferred to his domain, but that was a freaking five weeks ago! Wake up and smell the mangos man! Today, while in a status meeting, he asks for a run down of where we were as there's a client meeting tomorrow. Besides my sharp retort "Um, the board room?", I was able to confidently identify that I'm good to go. Afterwards, in order to line up ducks for this meeting, I talked to him about details of the project, only to find out that 1. he's looking at version 5 of the document (I released that back in February and we're on version 13 now!), and 2. he's never read the thing. Ok. It is 135 pages, but over 1/2 are freaking pictures!!

Which segways nicely into my next point - my desktop computer. The actual punting of this computer out the window wouldn't do much good as it's the archaic software applications that are running on the computer. Microsoft Word 2000 - ring any bells any one? I hear we're supposed to be getting an update. My guess is it'll be Microsoft Word 2003 and that will come through in, oh, about 3 years.

Regarding cloning myself. I think I need an inside me and an outside me. The outside me wants to poke around a bit in the garden, do some general tidying and some subversive trash dissemination. The inside me wants to clean.

Geeze. It must be Spring!

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