Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tricks and treats

Well Hallowe'en 2005 has come and gone. CU-3 has made the rounds and got a fair load of loot. The neighbors were incredibly generous, having bags set aside for the NCUs.

CU-3 was slow to understand the process of giving and receiving. In the begining she only wanted to give loot to kids. Actually, in the begining, she took my explaination, that we were going to throw candy at kids, quiet literally, beaning a few. She's got a good arm on her.

I was able to wrestle her into the design-modified costume. Instead of the colar design I'd created, it became a tutu, much to the confusion of her fellow trick-or-treaters. She was quite happy with it though. (Grandmas, pictures are coming. They just got dropped off for development today.)

* * *
On the flip side of things. I LOVE HALLOWE'EN. Not for the dressing up, candy and transformation of our neighborhood into something magical for an evening, but for the monogo that gets put out; it being the end of the month and all. This weekend past was especially good. So good that even the DH joined in the fun after a block stroll with the doglet.

Last year I got castle parts (that eventually went to a neighbor for her garden). This year I picked up a metal bucket in excellent condition, to go wtih a bucket of tools, a tacky sculpture of a dog and a boy (CU-1 is going to love this!), a deck box, a wooden high chair (that's pretty low to the ground), a ladder for CU-2's bunk bed, a single futon frame, and various odds and ends that I'll put to use in the garden next year.

For those of you with cable, think Weird Homes!


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

She's not gonna bean something at me Thursday is she?

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Oh wait! If it's chocolate in nature she can pitch it as hard as she wants....I can take it for chocolate...

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

By the way....where's the dogs costume?

richgold said...

That wasn't dog. It was André the cat!