Monday, November 07, 2005

Baby piccasso

Who knew that Minties Girl Guide Cookies could have alternative uses.

Grandpa D got conned into supporting CU-3s efforts to support her troop in cookie sales. (He walked away with multiple boxes of cookies - thus the conn.) He made a teenie tiny mistake offering the two-fisted power eater a cookie. (In this house, we never just get one cookie. The house rule is if you've got two hands, you get a cookie for each. Life is just better that way.)

I'm guessing the sugar and caffine kicked in around the third cookie, 'cause her artistic side kicked in and she decided to trick-out the house.

Who knew that Chocloate Minties not only tasted good, but could be used as a replacement for charcoal sticks for drawing.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

CU3 is in girl guides already?

richgold said...
