Sunday, November 27, 2005


It's not like nothing to write about has been happening!

A visit from my brother and his family, a trip to close out the family cottage, a first snow storm with snow that has stuck (for now. They're forcasting rain for Tuesday) and a short week with CUs 1 and 2 rolled up the week.

There was also the commando baking that I did for the church bazzar and a day trip with a girl friend.

It's been a good week full of stories that need to be digested and spit out.

While you wait, here's something you may wish to consider: only five more days to go! (And yes, I'm hoping to enter a story into this one if I can get motivated to get it out of my head.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the story, I sure you will come up with a good one. Hope you win first prize.