Friday, November 11, 2005

All in the family

My DH tells me stories about his brother-in-law who is a member of the military. I heard about the war games that these guys play in order to be hardened for what they may encounter on the field of battle. I also hear about what a fine father this man is to his children. No doubt his miliitary training has provided him with much fodder to draw upon.

I experienced my own kind of parenting boot camp in the last 14 hours. Upon completion of my first tour of duty, I begin my second one at around 5:00 as I complete the loop homeward, picking up CUs 1, 2 and 3.

Besides my regular duties including review of the troops, and CP duty, last night, was extra special in that just as I was turning in CU3 called me up for an extra tour of duty.


It had begun earlier that evening, CU3 had begun complaining of a face ache. As I began doing the research to identify who would be open to provide emergency services on November 11, I began to think of other causes. CU2 had a series of ear infections earlier this ear ... it was possible. I knew what to do if it was ...


For two hours I did triage and tried to lift the pain. At 2:15 I decided that I needed back-up and took CU3 to the hospital. Two hours later, CU3 was back in his own bed, pain free. I had been up for 21 hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my I remember the same thing happening to me. My husband worked the night shift, and my #1 developed pneumonia. Living out in the country, and only one vehicle, made life interesting. Well Dad came home and we made the treck to the hospital. I hope CU3 is better.