Sunday, November 20, 2005

It's starting to look a lot like a tacky Christmas!

We've just had our first snow (it didn't stick though) and have had a beatiful, warmer then average weekend which motivated me to work outside again.

While not nearly as creative as this display, my DH and I are working towards achieving a spectacular vision this year; as one neighbor delicately described our attempts
"It's ah, er, a layered look."

Each week DH and I assess what we've done and the type of reaction (or lack their of) that we received the previous week. Saturday morning we page through the hardware store sales and discuss strategy for the weekend. This was the best yet!


Anonymous said...

Well your display is very festive if I do say so myself. I noticed a Polar Bear seemed to be enjoying himself, did the Zoo recapture him? One thing whether the comments are good or not so good, you are getting people's attention, and that is the whole purpose of the display, add more and keep them comming back.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I didn't realize that tacky was an actual look that people strived for....even though it's a style I frequently achieve myself without even trying. I prefer to call it eclectic. That makes it all that much more acceptable.

Love the polar bears.