Monday, January 26, 2009

My anti-love list

Day 48 of the bus strike.

Balmy -25 degree weather.

French training.

Husband who pretends he's listening, then asks me a question directly related to what I just said to him.


Potty training.

Any time any one any where says "Oh oh."

Feeling that I'm in over my head. (I've joined a group and offered to be the Board Secretary. I've been getting a deluge of emails since. I'm wondering what the krunk I got myself into now!)

Maybe tomorrow I'll be in a better place and can post a love list. Any suggestions to get that one started?


Nat said...

Uh oh!

I've my oral test today. Blarg. I hope I don't barf on the tester.

Josie said...

Day 45?!?! Legislate them back to work for crying out loud.
I feel your pain on the temps. Absolutely brutal.

Hope it gets better.

Pretty Things said...

Ha on the husband. I love him dearly, but I swear he needs a hearing aid.

I can understand about the language tests. I took Korean for a year while in the military and it was nerve-wracking.