Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I guess locuses are next

As if I don't have enough to do, I was greeted by two members of the after-school staff asking me if I received the telephone call they'd apparently placed to me this afternoon.

It all started with itching.

Itching and small children are NOT a good thing.

I am so thankful for sympathetic teachers too, and heavy chemical shampoos, that don't do that much good, except possibly let me sleep tonight thinking that I've got a start on things.

Yes. We've got a wild case of head lice in at least two of the kids. I'll be checking the other two Friday, when they come home, because their father is usually in complete denial about things.

Hey PC, just to let you know, you've trained me well.

Nights like this, I ask "why me".


Anonymous said...

OMG, not again. Trouble it is so easy for the kids to pick up this stuff from school. Well, I'll check with you later in the week. Good Luck

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

could be worse. Could be scabies! Or bed bugs, uggh! Now my head is itchy. If you need an extra set of hands and bad eyes, you know my number.

alison said...

We've had at least 2 cases of lice each winter that the girls have been in school. Sometimes it's both girls, sometimes just one. They've gotten used to me picking through their hair to check. But when one or both have it for sure, I don't have anyone to be the baboon and pick over my scalp, so I just do the shampoo anyway. And it's awful. But I'd rather that than the lice.

So far this winter, nothing. I hope I haven't just jinxed us.

Nat said...

Oh this is not fun at all....

(pretty sure locust would freeze in this weather.)

richgold said...

Alison, if you need a baboon, let me know where/when.

I do the shampoo just in case too. I've got a pretty bad dandruff regularly, I just don't need this too. (I'm on a regular cycle on the just-in-case too. Really doesn't do wonders for my naturally frizzy hair.)

We're actually trying another shampoo (R & C) to see if that makes a difference. Just thought I'd get that one out there. I thought NIX was it.ember

alison said...

We always use the R&C. The pharmacist says it's better than Nix.

How sad is it that I have a 'favourite' lice shampoo, lol.

richgold said...

Alas, the question becomes, where to find those in Eastern Ontario!

And Alison, yes, sad, and now true. The conditioning side of the R&C has left my hair nicer then ever too!

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

How's it going with the critters?

richgold said...

I thought we might be on the winning side. I think CU-4 can be counted out as cleared. CU-3 is another story. I know I found at least three today and the ECE keeps reporting finding new ones. I'm doing my best to keep up with everyone.

Thanks for asking.