Sunday, October 16, 2005

Cowboy cards

Well everyone, it's round up time!

Don't think I'll have too many more days to work outside with fewer than the five required layers of clothing attributable to one of our winters so I decided to take advantage of the greyer, but clearer skies to get out and survey the property and attend to some of the rites of hybernation.

I'm happy to post that the marshmellow plants bushed out really well, but the harvest is a bust. With too much rain and not enough time to take off the crops, we have unusually moist baby marshmellows. I told the eldest child unit that we could pick up some of the "seeds" and save 'em for next year.

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

ah yes! I've started the hybernation process also. I have a pile of soggy organic matter to brown bag. I didn't get it all done before the rain. [sigh]

But hey! only one more sleep till coffee time.