Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Playing house

Child Unit 2 and our surrogate son from down the street play nicely together, most of the time. As all things do, sometimes democratic relations break down, and feelings are hurt. Today wasn't one of them.

Today, something got into them and they decided that they wanted to clean. I found it rather odd, but went along with it as far as I could take it.

They started off by clearing supper dishes. (Horray!)

Then there was washing them by hand! (We do have a dish washer.) (Another horray!)

When that was all done, they were still looking for things to wash. Turning to my left, nothing great there. Turning to my right, I spied a cat. Well, not any cat. THE cat. THE bitchy one who's meow sounds painful, guttural. Like she's going to hork up her stomach with every cry. She's sitting there, just staring at me.

Remember the close up of the Principal's eyes in Feris Bueller's Day Off when he's on the bus? I had that moment.

"Um, you could wash the cat!"

The child units perk up. "What's that? We can wash the cat?"

"Yah. Take Purr. She's not been doing a good job on herself lately."

Ca-ching. Pay back time.

And off they trot with her, after negotiating what tub they can bathe her in.

-- insert evil grin here --

Time passes ... about seven whole minutes ... followed by children thumping down the stairs

A dry cat skips up and sits on the desk to my right.

"Hey. What's this. She's back already?"

"Yah. She wouldn't stay in the bath tub."

"Nice try kids. Let me know when you need her again to dress her up in doll clothes!"

Like I said - it's pay back.


Sage said...

Are these two for rent?? :-)

Cats can be sooo tricky to bathe. Some of them react as if you're pouring hot oil over them. Really now! And boy do they hold grudges. Cat rustling is not for the faint of heart or the weak.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Is she declawed? My dream cat! I love to irritate evil things.