Monday, March 23, 2009

Gone, but not forgotten

That'd be my brain, not me.

I'm still here. In body. Mostly.

After surviving the ridiculously over-scheduled first three weeks of March (including March break madness), things are calming down a bit. I actually have nothing scheduled for any other evening this week until Friday night! Woo hoo. (Tonight The Huz did stand-on duty as parental supervision/bouncer/Girl Guide Cookie toughie, so I was the point person for child wrangling.)

I hope to get back to my regular rounds of lurking and occasionally posting on other people's blogs this week, as tonight I've cleared through almost all of my residual paperwork that comes with household and volunteering duties.

For those of you following the French training fracas, I'm down to one week before I write the comprehension and grammar exams. Nine days to the oral exam.

Over at Nat's place, her main squeeze goes for the poking and prodding tomorrow. This is possibly the only time in one's life where a person actually wants to get a "C" on their exam. J'envoie des pensées positives, en français !! (Merci babelfish!)

1 comment:

Nat said...

Only time ever, I've been happy with three Es for sure. :)

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for sure... thanks for the happy thoughts.