Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sunday morning coffee

After a rough night with CU-4 (up every two hours. I think it's his teeth again). Five of the six of us are up. DH isn't feeling his usual chipper morning self. Come to think ok it, since his mom came for a visit over Christmas, and filled me in on what he was like as a boy, he seems to have reverted to this persona - kind of a grump in the morning. ;-) Not that this is a bad thing.

When I first met DH, he was your typical nice guy. As our romance progressed, he continued to be that nice guy - though, I knew something was missing. When we argued, it really was a one way affair. He absorbed my words like sound tiles. As he's become more comfortable in the relationship, he's changed, to something a bit more natural. He's still the same loving man I met several years ago. This time he's not just a two dimensional character. He's got many facets. I like those too. His adjustments have helped me to adjust too. I like who I am.

What triggered this naval gazing post? This morning's PostSecret entries. Particularly this one.

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