Monday, February 25, 2008

Eating away at me

I had to go out tonight, to an event that I was only 1/2 interested in. I kinda-sort of left early because the second speaker came on and mentioned a dirty word: facets.

Well, ok. It's not a dirty word to most - those (three) of you who follow taxonomy issues will understand what a real headache this can be. The presenter was talking about facets in terms of how they can be used in indexing. I didn't like the way things were going, so I buggered out.

I came home to two telephone messages from my CU-2 who is currently at her father's, aka The Cone of Silence, until Friday. It's so irregular that I get ANY calls from either child, that because I got two, in the same night, it makes me worry. She asked me to call her back ... tonight ... tomorrow ... well, I'm on the road as of 7:15, if not earlier, tomorrow morning. She may or probably won't get the message until, oh ... Thursday night as she goes to bed, which is usually when the adults in that household pass along messages. So ... I'm hoping it's just an issue about passing along a Webkinz code, as per her request to me as I passed through the school grounds to get CU-3.

1 comment:

Josie said...

Okay, I get why you couldn't talk at that time of night but, why would they take so long to pass on a message??
Hopefully it is just about Webkinz....whatever those are.