Thursday, September 13, 2007

Humor in the every day

Lately I've not been blogging about humorous stuff. It seems that the day-to-day-to-day-to-day grind has really busted my chops. The constant hurling of insults, the scrapping and the flying of fur (and that's just between the cats!) has taken a tole.

Today is different though. I've been reading as part of my morning ritual (as well as FBorFW and Miss Vicky's Offhand Remarks) and love them all to pieces. They're funny, frequently insightful and take me other places then where I am. Which is a good thing as I usually obsess about stuff going on in my immediate hand-span area.

In this week's request to post from Meg, she asked to write a list of things that others talk way too much about. Though number one was an easy tree to shake (my DXH), I poled DH to see if there was anything else I was nattering on about that bothered him. (It turned out to be an interesting survey as apparently he doesn't pay close attention to what I say.)

So while pursuing other people's lists, I found a couple other links that got put on my quick task navigation bar. Congratulations to Raising the wrecking crew and This chick's life. More traffic to you! ;-)

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