Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Summertime fun fun fun

Got home to many messages. Two alone form DXH. He finally gave in and gave me the flight information, all the while questioning my abilities to handle email. He's using his right to access the children extra by requesting the children three days early for "a family event".
I sent back an acknowledgement under one email, then realized that "hey wait a minute, you've got to tell me where the children are going to be as it's more than 72 hours that they'll be out of the city". So off that email went. (While I felt I was rather business like requesting the flight information per the arbitrated agreement, he was bad-dog, shove-your-nose-in-it-I-want-you-to-do-this-and-this.) Perhaps I'm too sensitive.
I'm looking for this month to be over.

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Are you messing with my eyes? I'm getting too old to read your blog. I can hardly see the print!