Friday, June 08, 2007

A game of inches

Joel on software, a publication I read from time to time, has a very good article called A game of inches. Even though what he writes about is more work related, it suits very well all that is going on in my life.

Last night, while I posted yesterday's note, DH and I were having a blow-out over the latest shenanigans. He was claiming the pasifist route, not wanting to poke-the-bear-jeapordize-our-vacation side of things. (DH, if you're reading this, may I remind you of the numerous times we rolled over for this guy, just to make nice, and have continue the abuse?)

The news that just came is that DXH has relented and has provided me with the needed information (but not without the half-hearted jab at me. Comes with the territory.)

Bon voyages mes cheris, mes enfants! Je vous adore. Je vous aime. J'attenderai jusqu'a les prochains jours ensemble.

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