Sunday, June 03, 2007

Cat spray and fun

DH is currently trying to hunt down where one of the cats *might* have sprayed. Then again, it might be the Pee Pee trees which stink like cat spray when their bloomed branches are brought in for decoration. We just had a big rain, so that might be the answer. Peeuuu.

So ends my night. Prior to that I got a curious question for DH asking about post-partem depression. He was wondering if I was having some of that. Hmmm. Let's see. CU-1 and 2 are scheduled to be MIA for a good part of June and most of July. They're here for the week. Growning up way to fast, and I miss them. Miss who they were. (It's bitter-sweet to watch CU-3 and 4. I'm moving into unchartered territory with them; stuff I've only seen in part with the older CUs. It kind of suks.

But, sadness aside, it was a great weekend. CU-2 did a lot of Brownie activities, preceeded by a family birthday part for her, (she'll be at her Father's for her b-day) and followed by her best-friend's birthday party. CU-1 had his vernisage and made some incredible art. He also played a lot with a kid from down the block. The heat helped break the ice, so to speak. A lot of water was used and a lot of fun was had.

CU-3 enjoyed her "moutain". CU-4 got the raw end of the stick. Though he had some amazing naps while Maman overcame power tool fears. (That DH then took apart most of what she did and redid it again, didn't help for the morale, but that's for another entry.)

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