Sunday, May 13, 2007

Time stands still

Three not-so-tiny voices are blaring in the background, covered by the not-so-soft snores of the fourth. It's bed time for my Bonzos and CU-3 is driving us all around the bend. She's being so three.

DH is hammering away at the floor. He's got one more hour until the noise cut-off. It'll be time to switch gears to help me clear out the old kitchen and bathroom for tomorrow's run at construction.

The old dishwasher has gone off to it's new home, there are more and more stacks of stuff in the front room. I keep wondering how long it will be until the dream becomes less and less frettful.

Tomorrow is Monday, and the regular race begins for every one else. I've been on the tredmill for such a long time already.

Two my two mothers - your cards are coming. They've just got into the mail a bit later then usual.

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