Sunday, January 08, 2006

January 2006

Oh, this year is not getting off to a good start, from the writing perspective. Part of it is that there are just so many thank yous to write, as so many people have been so generous this Holiday season, part of it has just been a feeling of burnout. Perhpas it's the after season burnout or let down. Perhaps it's a winter light issue. My creativity has taken a wee bit of a hit - showed up in the things I didn't do with the CUs during their week off. All that said and done, everyone begins the regular grind tomorrow. All CUs return to their perspective schools, and all parental units, if they've not been working through, get the joy of returning to the chaos they left behind.

On the home front, I've got more pictures up in the photogallery - I'm hoping to do a more simple grouping to follow this year - by month. Newer pictures first. I'm hoping a few pictures will hold you until their stories can be told.

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

glad to see you posting again! Awaiting great posts from you in the new year! My writing sucks big time! I can't find words and funny things just aren't happening at the same rate!