Friday, January 18, 2008

Pushing the easy button

Ok Jonathan - this one is easy.

In previous posts I've talked about CU-2 and her tantrums. The mothership used to say that *my* emotions were coming out sideways when I had a tantrum. Instead of attending to the issue that was causing the disturbance, I'd sputter on about everything else that didn't really matter. It was a great avoidance technique. Alas, it did not work well.

Sideways is an interesting concept. Many people I meet tend to be walking through life with their sights set to what is always in front of them. A few, but, to me, it seem a very few look sideways. I use photography to do that. People have frequently commented that my photographs take the casual life events and switch them up a bit so that it's like, well, looking at them sideways.

I like that interpretation.

Just like I like these socks of one of the subjects I photographed.

1 comment:

Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Those socks are quite great!