Monday, January 07, 2008

I mind

I have one! I have a mind! It's all starting, I mean REALLY STARTING to come back on line now, like services after a major storm. Wahoo.

As Monday's go, this has been a great day so far. Three kids are back in their school/care facilities. I've trouble shot a technical problem at home without a lot of hand holding from the huz. I've had a meeting with other ADULTS to organize an award dinner. I was able to go shopping without aid (of a toddler or other attendant under the age of 18 to help me). And I might have been able to throw a monkey wrench into some monkey business! Wahoo! I think I'm coming back to being my self again.

Hello self! Nice to have you back! ;-)

1 comment:

Mrs. G. said...

Free at last, free at last!!