Tuesday, January 01, 2008

20 minutes left

20 minutes left of the first day of 2008. Thank small gawds I haven't had to write any cheques today. I'm not used to the flip of the calendar - another month gone. Another YEAR gone.

This time last year I was in an uncomfortable position, waiting, waiting, waiting. Waiting for my 10 lb 12 oz baby child-unit #4 to make an entrance into this world. In 23 days we celebrate his birth. The hulk of a kid is no longer a baby, but a toddler, having taken first steps (though still prefers to crawl), has an arm reach of an orangutan (see any entry about cat water, cat bowls and sweeping things off the table onto the floor), and fits easily into size 18 clothes, though size two year old gives him a little bit of toe room.

In 19 days I return to the work world.

In five days, the children return to school.

In seven hours, DH rejoins the regular routine until the next big break about half-way into the year.

Here's to life, love, health, and happiness ... what ever the new year has to share with us, bring it on. I'm ready.


LaVeda H. Mason said...

That's a *big* baby!
Best wishes on starting work again!

Anonymous said...

My largest baby was nearly that big: 9 lbs 12 oz... he's 17 now and 6 ft tall, about 135 lbs...

Good luck with the return to work. I went back after 6 weeks and it was HARD! Of course, my youngest child just turned 14, so it's been a while.

Happy new year! --Stef from Stef's Crazy Life :)

richgold said...

I returned to work after having #3 after 3 days off. It was great. DH stayed home with that one for the year. I'd have done it again with this one if it wasn't for his job that he loves more than I love mine.

Mrs. G. said...

Happy New Year to you too!! Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to coming back.